
Kongzi and Jesus

Would they have gotten along? I bet they would have been buddies. Heretical to speculate such? I don't think so, after all, Jesus was a friend of sinners. And the reality of it is that Kongzi probably, no, certainly, lived out the social implications of scriptural teachings. He lived a good bit before Jesus, but anyway.

I really want to say something about family or at least pose some questions. How do I show filial piety when I do not understand how? Or when I do not want to show it? I do not consider myself an exemplary person and doubt I ever shall. I would like it to be said that I have done my utmost. I know that cannot be said of me currently. I feel as Bilbo when he likened himself to too little butter spread over too much bread. I barely have the energy to think at certain moments of the day.

Today I have been thinking a fair amount about what Kongzi had to say about virtue and self and authoritative conduct. I drove to work in the rain and along the way thought to myself that the only way I would accomplish the needful things of this day should be if God grants the grace and energy to do those things. Right now I should be writing my third essay of the day, but I just don't have the brain energy to devote to the task right now. I will be needing an afternoon coffee in a pretty fierce way! But really, if there are things that I do not accomplish today, were they really things that "needed" to be done? Surely, as Father's son I should be striving to do my utmost in all things and if something remains unfinished then perhaps it is because I did not my utmost.

Which makes me think of Chambers' work, My Utmost For His Highest. But it only just makes me think of it, without anything weighty to convey. I feel myself spiraling into academic oblivion or at least he last thirty minutes of the school day before I leave for the University.

I can feel my brain. It's soft and squishy, like a stress ball. Perhaps I should squeeze my brain more often.

I apologize to anyone who has had the misfortune, or mental disorder, to read this far.

Better luck next time.

Jesus, though perhaps not his Savior, would have had some good conversations with Kongzi.

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