What are enemies? We Americans, we southeastern, Christian Americans, know little of enemies. I cannot venture to say I have ever had an enemy. Thus I have uncovered yet another barrier that has in past prevented me from beholding the fullness of scripture. David's pleas to God for deliverance from enemies have had little meaning to me. And yet in the same breath I can state that "O Yes, I know that now the enemies of the Christian and the Church are not ethnic or geographic, but spiritual. O Yes, this I know." But do I?
"O our God, will you not execute judgment on them? For we are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You." 2 Chronicles 20:12
Sibbes has recently shown me that I am likely not the only Christian who has an improper assessment of the power of our spiritual enemies and our powerlessness against them. I am lacking in victory because I still rely on some strength I think is my own. Yet have I not read that Christ is my strength and that victory belongs not to me, but to the LORD?
How foolish I am to remain defeated by the great horde of temptations, trials, allurements, snares, etc. that this world rallies against me under the direction of its defeated prince! If God's grace is sufficient to save me from the hell of death, then are not His graces also sufficient to rescue me from this great horde that would devour me along the way of my journey to the heavenly Jerusalem?
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