

What do you do when you don't know what to do? I sat down just now to write something worth reading, but after typing a few lines I had nothing. I deleted all and began again, yet still I had nothing. Twice, thrice, four times and it was just empty. I want to say something profound, original, and perhaps even inspiring, but why this desire?

What if there isn't anything new to say? What if everything profound has already been said? All things original have passed? What if there is no more inspiration?

I am in a Chinese philosophy class right now and it's really sparking some fun thought. In the West we think linearly. Beginning. End. Start. Stop. Cause. Effect. Life. Death. In the East, specifically the ancient East they think/thought cyclically. Ebb. Flow. Relationship. Honor. Virtue. I will doubltess learn much in the course. One thing that is interesting is that Easterners do not have this obsession with Truth as many Westerners do. It's not that they don't believe in Truth, but rather that some Universal Absolute is not the pressing issue when there is a hungry mouth to feed or a cold hand to warm. Those who are concerned with Truth are right in concluding that Truth is true irregardless of where it is found. The wicked and the righteous can both truthfully state that gravity happens. I find, however, that many people dismiss Truth if it is not located in their Holy Writ. When Confucius tells a man to care for his neighbor it is just as truly a part of the second great command as when Jesus Christ says the same. When Paul was imprisoned and others preached the Gospel out of rivalry, he did not rail against them; Paul was glad the message of the Gospel was being preached. I think it foolish to discount philosophy that has grains of Truth in it, so long as we acknowledge it is incomplete and encourage the man who has heard the whisper of Truth to seek out the Shout.

Last night the Gospel was Shouted. Some heard it because it was the ambient noise in a cool place. Others heard it because it was the only thing they desired to hear. Others heard because they had already heard a whispered intro and now wanted the full Story in no uncertain terms.

What do you do when you don't know what to do? Who knows? Most of my questions are pointless, but they get me to rambling and my rambling usually takes me somewhere. To go anywhere, you must first leave your present locale. I may wind up where I started, but I may find new and distant lands.

Hmmmm.... I'm hungry

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